Victims Rights & Advocates

Our office has a dedicated team of professionals who work with crime victims and witnesses at every step of the judicial process. A victim’s advocate is assigned to each case and will attempt to make contact with the victim within 48 hours of arrest to gather information and to inform them of their rights throughout the process.
We ask that all crime victims fill out a Victim Impact Statement that is avail-able at the bottom of this page or in any of our offices. It is important to fill out this form because it helps us gather information about the crime and the extent of which is has affected your life. It also ensures that we have the correct contact information so we may inform you about the case’s progression through the criminal justice system.
Help Is Available
If you have any questions or have changed phone numbers or addresses since you filled out your Victim Impact Statement, please contact our office at 843-779-8477 or email. A number of organizations exist throughout South Carolina to assist crime victims.
Victim Impact StatementUnderstand the legal process, from start to finish
The criminal-court system can be complicated and confusing to victims. We’ve prepared this resource to help you understand how cases move through the courts, from arrest to disposition.
South Carolina Victim's Bill of Rights
Section 24 of the Constitution of South Carolina guarantees victims a number of rights. It is our job to assist crime victims in exercising their rights. To preserve and protect victims’ rights to justice and due process regardless of race, sex, age, religion, or economic status, victims of crime have the right to:
- be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity, and to be free from intimidation, harassment, or abuse, throughout the criminal and juvenile justice process, and informed of the victim’s constitutional rights, provided by statute;
- be reasonably informed when the accused or convicted person is arrested, released from custody, or has escaped;
- be informed of and present at any criminal proceedings which are dispositive of the charges where the defendant has the right to be present;
- be reasonably informed of and be allowed to submit either a written or oral statement at all hearings affecting bond or bail;
- be heard at any proceeding involving a post-arrest release decision, a plea, or sentencing;
- be reasonably protected from the accused or persons acting on his behalf throughout the criminal justice process;
- confer with the prosecution after the crime against the victim has been charged, before the trial or before any disposition and informed of the disposition;
- have reasonable access after the conclusion of the criminal inves-tigation to all documents relating to the crime against the victim before trial;
- receive prompt and full restitution from the person or persons convicted of the criminal conduct that caused the victim’s loss or injury including both adult and juvenile offenders;
- be informed of any proceeding when any post-conviction action is being considered, and be present at any post-conviction hearing involving a post-conviction release decision;
- a reasonable disposition and prompt and final conclusion of the case;
- have all rules governing criminal procedure and the admissibility of evidence in all criminal proceedings protect victims’ rights and have these rules subject to amendment or repeal by the legislature to ensure protection of these rights.
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources
Many of the murder cases we prosecute are domestic murders in which the level of abuse escalates over time. It is our mission to prevent this progression of violence by intervening beginning with the first domestic violence arrest.
In 2006, we lobbied for a new law that allows our office to prosecute domestic violence cases in General Sessions Court rather than in Magistrate’s Court. This law allows the Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office to prosecute domestic batterers in the same courtrooms as murderers, rapists and armed robbers. Up until recently, the Fourteenth Circuit was the only judicial circuit to do so.
Gov. Nikki Haley signed the Domestic Violence Reform Act on May 4, 2015. The new law enhances penalties for repeat offenders, enhances penalties toward those who commit domestic violence in front of children and bolsters penalties based on the severity of abuse. If you have suffered domestic abuse, have been sexually assaulted or know someone who has, call 843-790-6220 or 1-800-868-2632 for immediate assistance.
Check the status of a case.
Track the status of an inmate.
Services for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Survivors
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources
Free PDF Downloads
- Digital Parenting
- Body Safety
- Behaviors Related to Sex & Sexuality (5th-8th Grades)
- Behaviors Related to Sex & Sexuality (9th-12th Grades)
- Behaviors Related to Sex & Sexuality (Kindergarten-4th Grades)
- Behaviors Related to Sex & Sexuality (Preschool Children)
- Internet Safety
- 14th Circuit Victims Services Center
- Victim Impact Statement
Programs & Resources that Can Help
Approved South Carolina Batterers' Intervention and Treatment Program providers within the 14th Judicial Circuit include:
- Franklin Bolgan, MSW/LISW: 4 Dunmore Court, Ste. 203 Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 843-683-0042
- Wright Directions Family Services: 77 Hazzard Creek Village Dr., Unit C P.O. Box 1343 Ridgeland, SC 29936 843-645-7700